Wednesday 20 November 2019

Job search with relocation:

Why before deciding to move, answer your question: “Why do I want to move?”. Often they resort to moving when they want to change their lives, to escape from unrealization. Therefore, this decision is more psychological than career.

In a cardinal career change, also with a change of place of residence, there are many positive aspects, as in any other changes: new opportunities, acquaintances, prospects, starts. But don’t wear pink glasses. If you decide to look for a job with relocation, be prepared for this.
Nobody is waiting for you

If you are going to torture happiness in another city in order to change your life, and not by invitation to a specific job, be prepared that no one is waiting for you. Even if friends and acquaintances promise to help, at first it will be definitely difficult. The label of "come in large numbers" is provided.
High competition

Especially when it comes to the metropolis. What worked for you in your hometown - name, connections, acquaintances - this will not happen in a foreign city. You will have to re-prove your skills and compete in a job market that you don't know much.

If you move from a provincial town to a large city, you can lose to the locals in the first stage, because they are used to positioning themselves correctly.
Salary expectations may not immediately come true

At the first stage, the salary may be less than you expect. But candidates in a foreign city are growing faster because motivation is stronger. Therefore, the difference in salary wins back during the year.
Job search after or before moving

Of course, you can start looking for work before moving, send resumes and get interviewed using multimedia hiring. But the difficulty is that the recruiter is not always looking for the best candidate. Sometimes searches stop at the first relevant one, when a vacancy needs to be closed “for yesterday”. Nobody will be waiting for your move.

If you are internally ready to move, save up some money that will allow you to live a few months before you find a job and get your first salary. And with the presence of material security, embark on a search.
Features of selection

Large cities in terms of recruiting work mainly according to Western methods, in particular according to the KPI principle (Key Performance Indicators - key performance indicators). It is not enough to write in the resume official achievements in the form: "Worked there and did this." Now you need to show in detail and accurately what has changed in the company as a result of your activity.

For example: "Raised profits by so much, formed new products that affected the value, capitalization and recognition of the company like that." Ultimately, everything should be expressed in money, and not just for salespeople. More details about creating a resume that will double your salary, says Mikhail Pritula.

Employment is not the only thing to consider when moving for work. wishes you confidence, not to regret the decisions made and always move forward only.

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